Splunk Insights for Ransomware

Today, we have seen yet another wave of ransomware attacks, similar in nature to the wannacry attacks from May 2017, sweep across organizations around the globe. Splunk Blog on Petya Ransomware Attacks Splunk can help you: To quickly detect & investigate ransomware attacks Rapidly find & visualize systems that are not patched and are vulnerable […]

Proofpoint and Open3s strongly encourages customers to verify the following on their systems.

Several organizations have been impacted today by the ransomware known as Petya,  or Petrwrap.   At this time, the distribution vector is still unconfirmed but it appears to be spreading via network similar to WannaCry, although the capacity for an email vector exists.  Like WannaCry, this Petya outbreak appears to potentially be leveraging SMB network protocols […]

Arista Networks, Splunk y ProofPoint. Soluciones necesarias para la empresa.

Actualmente la cantidad de datos están creciendo muy rápido, de una forma exponencial. Los datos crecen en todas las partes del mundo día a día. Cada vez hay más dispositivos que producen y consumen datos y sobre estos dispositivos miles de aplicaciones. Básicamente esta situación nos plantea un reto, ya que todos estos datos han […]

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